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  • Ty


I opened the refrigerator and a glass of salad dressing fell onto the floor. Of course, I was aggravated when I saw that someone left the bottle on the edge of the shelf. But what was intriguing was that as I looked around and saw the glass all over the floor, I realized that the glass could never be repaired in the original form.

A light bulb moment of course for me and a ton of questions to follow. I thought about trying to put the glass back together, but I would not be able to find the little pieces and that only the big pieces were obvious. Yes, I did sit a think about this before I swept the glass off the floor. I checked the floor for all the visible glass and tried to piece them together in my mind, but I clearly could not see the tiny particles that were missing.

If you are thinking what is the purpose of this entry? Well, I thought about how Covid-19 came and shattered our lives into little pieces. I wondered if things would go back to normal…. but what is normal? Our lives are forever changed in some sort of way due to the pandemic. We can try to put things back piece by piece, but life as we knew it has changed forever.

This is me and Nothing is Normal!

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