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  • Ty

I need my space

My project is now complete, and I must say my vision for a spa like environment is my new reality. After running around the local hardware stores and countless returns I must say that the aggravation was all worth it. This process revealed my habitual procrastination and my frugal ways.

I questioned why I waited so long to create a space that I wanted but was put off by the cost and the process. When I added up the unnecessary stuff that I have purchased over time and how much money I spent on eating out, it could have been completed years back.

But what I overlooked was my personal space, my husband’s personal space, and I knew something needed to change. Our space did not make us feel comfortable and sometimes chaotic.

This summer I rented a condo to get clarity and during this time I realized that the only thing holding us back was our procrastination and the long list of excuses. I had a revelation after visiting a friend. Her home was very inviting and I felt a sense of serenity in her home. She pointed out that her home is where she is most vulnerable and I began the planning process.

I want to create spaces that will accommodate both my husband and I when we are most vulnerable. Do you have a space in your home that is just for you, your partner or both? If not………..create one!

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