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  • Ty

Smarty Pants!

Listening to music can be relaxing. It is often soothing and can create a chill environment. However music can also drive you crazy!

I don't know about you but for me all music must stop as early as possible. I have found myself driving without the radio and now have turned to audio books. Since switching to audiobooks I have found it a great alternative to music. Actually it is more engaging and helps me to focus and get in touch with my imagination.

It seems as if technology has a hold on me and I have allowed it to invade my space. The lights from our devices are meant to stimulate brain activity but my lack of control has turned into a technology additction. I made myself believe that I need these things and as a result my brain is always trying to run around. My smart device are smarter than me even though I manage the controls.

This could be the reason that once a tune is in my head, I will sing that tune just about all day and believe me it drives me insane.

I have taken steps to disconnect. I am more deliberate in doing things that do not involve technology such as puzzles, writing in my journal with my hands (LOL-Handwritting is becoming a lost art), crocheting and working on my doll house amongst other things. I need to tap into the physical things to relax and allow my mind to control my life and send a termination letter to Siri and Alexa.

So the next time a tune like "This Is A Song That Never Ends" enter into your head, immediately run and grab a book, pull out a puzzle or spark a conversation with a friend or heck bake a cake. Just do something to relax because that song is awful to sing all night long.

Well This is Me and of course Nothing is Normal!

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