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  • Ty

Where did the time go?

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

In high school I took up accounting and learned about debits and credits. Debits are those things that reduces your balance and credits increases your balance. I am always rushing to get things done because I often feel like I am running out of time. Once a minute passes, it is gone! We tend to say things such as “oh I’ll make it up” but there is no making it up it is already gone.

A few years back I had an experience when I felt like I was constantly reliving Valentine’s Day and time would not go pass 6:30 am. In my mind it went on forever however I lost a whole week. The only thing that I can tell you of that day is that it was Valentine’s Day. I often try to recount everything that occurred, but nothing comes to mind. What I do know is that time continued to move. It did not stop; people did not stop, and I could not get it back. It was the one debit that I could not find in the books.

Because of this experience, 2/14 is a day that I dread because I do not want 6:30 am to appear on the clock. When I go to specific places, I ask that the clocks are removed because looking at a manual clock and hearing the ticking drives me nuts.

I know that I can’t get that time back and it is going to take a while for me not to dwell on that experience. However, I can spend more time trying to create new memories and replace it with a time credit. Yes I know that time credits are wishful thinking and so what it is only figuratively, I am the one in control of the books😊

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